Thursday, July 21, 2011

Literally Unbelievable!!!!!

So, this great site called Literally Unbelievable captures FB posts where people believe items from The Onion. Some of the best:

"People will believe anything..." Wind farms could blow Earth off of its axis? Sure.

Throwing the BS card... Studying irony of middle class lives is real, but poster points out the academic institution cited is not legit. Yup, that's the thing to focus on.

Theme: the government sucks
Logic and Reasoning? Gay marriage story again, but the anti-gay-marriage poster decries dunking a basketball as a way around making a sound argument. Yup.

Sucking on bone marrow? Nancy Grace caught sucking marrow from Caylee Anthony's bones. How does this not fail the sniff test? Some people hate her so much they can believe she'd do THIS?

Satirical news sites exist? Elevator story again. Someone even points out the Literally Unbelievable site.
Yes, why would you get on an underwater elevator? Elevator story again. Yes, the problem with the study is nobody would agree to get on an underwater elevator.

"Just count the damn bodies!" Millions feared dead in train accident. Millions? Millions? And that seemed plausible?

City folk are poopy. 15-year-old girl torn apart by peers, city dwellers just watch. Country folk woulda got up in their grill.

Longest "what?" of all time. Congress debates whether to ruin US economically. Yes, it's on the table: are you pro ruin, or agin'?

U2 members who are not Bono are down with Africans starving. What a bunch of jerks! I'm burning my mp3s of their songs. At least the non-vocals parts...

"Those pics look fake...just sayin'." Greepeace releases dolphin into forest. Yes, it's the picture that indicates there might be a problem with the story.

"...people still surprise me with their ignorance." Georgia school board bans "theory of math". But this person did not surprise me with his/her ignorance - right at the level I expected.

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