Monday, February 11, 2008

Gotta Be On The Winning Side

I see this in politics and at work - people changing their vote or their opinion so that it is on the "winning" side. No candidate will win without votes. It starts with yours. In 2004, no one could tell me how Kerry got the nomination, other than to say "he had the best chance of winning". In the 70's, TV coverage of early voting in eastern states caused voting changes in western states. If a candidate was losing, people would vote for the opposition or not bother to vote. What the hell is wrong with people? Voting for the candidate you like sends a signal to other potential candidates. Voting for someone you don't like just to be on the winning side creates the pile of crap we call the 2008 candidates.

In the work place, people will change their professional opinion for fear it won't be chosen as the path. Dissent is the only way good decision makers can weight the options. Keeping an option secret guarantees it will not be chosen. If co-workers think less of you because your idea was not acted on, that's their problem, not yours. Speak up respectfully and things will be fine for you, and maybe even much better for everyone.

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